
Sunday, March 20, 2011

Fuel Cell Quarantine

Since the Fuel Cell doesn't have a FAI stickier on it (even though the company makes the same cells for another company which is FAI listed), I decided to play it safe and quarantine the tank as per LeMons rules. So, all holes between tank and driver compartment must be sealed.

I had a blast making this; heaven knows why - it was a real pain.

This took the better part of 2 days, and I don't have to door done yet - but you get the idea:

That's the fuel cell at the bottom that the scissors are sitting on

Underside of 2nd half of trunk lid, made with a galvanized steel shelf and parts from a sliding door track:

The not-quite finished trunk lid assembly. All rivets making it one piece, sheet metal screws holding it to the frame members. The screws are LONG so if they ever come loose, we'll see them long before they escape. Kira helped on the painting.

2013 UPDATE!

MGB GT gets an FIA rated ATL Fuel Cell

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