
Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Timing - Vacuum Advance System

Still in the works: Spent some time getting the proper size vacuum tubing and researching the aftermarket carburetor presently on the MG (it’s a Weber DGV). Hooked up the Vacuum Advance system on the distributor to the carb and it felt a bit worse, and was hard to start after stopping for gas at Exxon during test drive (probably an air leak). I used the handy-dandy MiteyVac (brake bleed system) that has a vacuum gauge on it to measure the vacuum on the carb – it is giving about 3 to 5 psi at the carb pip… but the distributor advance needed about 20 to 25 psi before it started ‘sounding like’ it was having an effect on the timing. So, more research needed; there is some contention on the web weather you hook the vacuum line to the manifold or to the carb for that model. I couldn’t find the right manifold adapter so there some hope of improvement yet.

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