
Thursday, February 23, 2012

Mirror Mirror On The Wall - YOU SUCK

One complaint from everyone that's ever sat in this beastie of an MGB is that the passenger mirror is too small, hard to position, it wiggles when driving, its face is flat and so doesn't see much, and the driver can't reach it him/herself to adjust it.

I believe we've put on, or tried to put on, a new mirror every single bloody race. I've had it with all the complaints (and to be fair, I was the one that complained the loudest about it).

One trip to Crazy Ray's U-Pick-It, U-Pull-It and ta-da! The biggest, ugliest, nastiest mirror I could find....

"Old" lame-ass mirror on the left, "New" Jurassic Park mirror on the right... OH HELL YES:

If I remember correctly, it's off a mid-ninties Astro Van... go ahead, you can say it: "That's Classy!"

As far as wiring it goes, well, there are many many wires and supposedly you tell them apart by something called "color", though I've never believed in such a crass concept.

I tracked down the connectors on the web and ohm'ed it out; wired it up; fabricated a sturdy mount for the control switch:

 Spot the new Joystick! The driver can easily reach it...
 Mirror mount, outside view; this actually took the most time I believe:
 Mirror mounted, inside view:

Here are the wiring diagrams for 1997 Chevy Power Mirrors. The passenger side mirror that I grabbed must have been a replacement because the colors match a drivers side mirror, at least that's what the people I live with tell me...

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